Editing line item pricing in Quick Mode
For editing clarity, Cleverific has two editing modes: one that works within Shopify's order editing platform limitations, and one that bypasses them to perform additional types of edits. In Quick Mode, all edits are saved on the original order and in Advanced Mode, a "save-as" is performed, which cancels the original order and applies payment to an edited version of the order.
In Quick Mode, your edits are all saved directly on your order. Once you’ve completed and saved your edits, they will all appear on the original order without canceling that original order or creating separate orders.
If you want to make simple and immediate changes to your orders, like editing your line item pricing, Quick Mode allows you to edit just like you would in Shopify.
Customize line item pricing in Quick Mode
1. From the orders page, select an order and click Edit Order from the More actions menu:
2. Click under Unit Price on a line item to enter a custom price
- Save your order.
Note: You can only decrease your line item pricing in Quick Mode. Due to some limitations in Shopify’s API, increases to line item pricing are not allowed. You can, however, add line items as custom products to increase a product’s price.
Questions? Drop us a line at: support@editorder.net