Editing or adding a variant title to an existing order

When editing regular orders in Cleverific, you can find an "Advanced Edit" option that allows you to rename your product title and your variant title, add or edit the SKU, and change your product's weight. 

Edit or add a variant title

  1. Open the order Cleverific.
  2. Click the three dots next to your line item.

  3. Select Advanced edit.

  4. Under Variant Title, you can choose to add a variant title or edit the existing one.

  5. Click the blue Apply button to save your changes.

  6. Click Save.

Once all steps are completed, the original order will be marked as canceled, and a new order with the correct Variant title for your product will replace it.

Note: If you need to display this change in an email notification, please contact support@editorder.net, and we'll send you the snippet to add to your email template.