Changing the price of a product

With Cleverific, you can perform a wide range of edits that can’t be made in Shopify, including increasing or decreasing the price of your products.

Increase the price of a product

Currently, you can only increase the price of your product for existing orders in Advanced Mode.

  1. In your Shopify order list, open the order you'd like to edit. 
  2. Click More Actions > Edit Order
  3. Click the amount under Unit Price and increase the price by entering a higher amount.

If the total price for the edited order is greater than the total price for the original order, this outstanding amount will be noted in the Totals section of the edited order. You can send a payment request to collect the outstanding amount.

Learn how to change the price of a product in Advanced Mode

Note: Due to some limitations in Shopify’s API, increasing the line item prices is not allowed for draft orders and orders edited in Quick Mode. You can, however, add line items as custom products to increase a product’s price.

Decrease the price of a product

Decreasing the price of a product can be done in either Advanced Mode or Quick Mode, for existing orders or draft orders. You can lower the price of your product by manually entering a custom price or by applying a percentage discount or a discount amount

  1. In your order list, open the order you'd like to edit. 
  2. Click More Actions > Edit Order
  3. Click the amount under Unit Price and decrease the price by entering a lower amount.

    If the total price for the edited order is less than the total price for the original order, a refund is automatically issued to your customer. If you want to add another refund later, you’ll need to go back to the original order. Learn more about how to perform a refund.

Note: Cleverific can only apply pricing decreases as a line item discount. 

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