Known limitations in Customer Portal
Due to limitations in Shopify's order editing API, the following features can't be supported in Customer Portal at this time.
Note: Please review these limitations before enabling Customer Portal.
Archived orders
Archived orders can't be edited in Customer Portal. However, customers can edit their shipping address or cancel the order.
Billing address change
Customers can't change their billing address in Customer Portal.
Discounts can’t be added or edited in Customer Portal. However, if your customers forget to apply their discount code at checkout, they can cancel their order and replace it with their discount code.
Discount codes
Due to Shopify's discount limitation, some discount code types won't be supported after edits. Indeed, if the following discount codes are applied, certain edits might affect the total discounted amount:
- Buy Y Get X discount
- Amount Off Order ($)
- Amount Off product (%)
- Amount Off product ($)
At the moment, only Amount Off Order (%) is supported. The discount amount will indeed vary with the changes made to the order in Customer Portal.
Orders created by other third-party apps
Shopify currently restricts what orders an app is allowed to edit. Orders created by third-party apps cannot be edited by your customers in Customer Portal.
Fulfilled items and fulfilled orders
Fulfilled items can’t be edited in Customer Portal. However, your customers will still be able to edit the shipping address on a partially fulfilled order.
Your customers won’t be allowed to edit a fully fulfilled order. This is to prevent any issues on your end with your fulfillment services.
Line item properties
Product customizations or personalizations can be viewed on a customer's order but can't be edited with Customer Portal.
Shipping method and shipping rules
Customer Portal isn't currently able to adjust the shipping method based on the changes made to the orders. We're currently exploring this and planning on supporting it.
Subscription orders
Subscription and recurring orders are not currently supported in Customer Portal. However, customers can cancel their orders and edit their shipping address. If you'd like to prevent this behavior, you can tag these orders via Shopify Flow and add this tag to the "Don't allow customers to edit orders tagged with" setting in your Customer Portal settings.
Customer Portal doesn't currently support wholesale orders due to a Shopify limitation around discounts.