Changing order date

You can manually change the date of an order in Cleverific's Advanced Mode. Updating this will change the date that this order was processed, as well as the date for the order in your reports and on the order list page. This article will show you how to do this

Change your order date

Cleverific keeps Shopify's timestamps for when an order was created, processed, updated, cancelled, and closed. For edited orders, the "processed_at" timestamp always matches the original order. Because of this, you will see that the edited order's date matches the original order's date and not the date the edited order was created.


  1. Open the order from your Shopify order list and click More Actions > Edit Order
  2. In the top right of the screen, click More Options

 3. Click the date field.

  1. Change the date using the Date picker

 5. Click Save.

Reports and order list

Performing these steps will change the date that the edited order was processed, as well as the date for the order in your reports and on the order list page.

It won't change the original order's date. The original order will keep the same date and will be canceled and superseded by the newly edited order.